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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Unusual Asthma Symptoms: Cough, Sleep Problems, Anxiety, and More

Breathing Equipment for Asthma

 The best way to stop your asthma is to prevent your asthma from starting. Common asthma triggers include:
• Pollen, mold, dust particles, and pets such as allergy
• radiation in the air such as tobacco smoke and air pollution
• Extreme weather conditions of heat, humidity and cold air.
• Exercise
• Emotions - not only sadness and tension, but sometimes laughter.
• respiratory infections

Some other health problems can make asthma symptoms worse, such as obesity, acid reflux, sleep apnea, stress and depression. If you are one of these other problems, then tell your allergists so that they can be addressed as part of your overall treatment.

Treatment of asthma in your asthma involves identifying and avoiding asthma triggers when possible. In addition to avoidance measures, almost everyone needs some medicines. In addition, some people monitor the function of their lungs with a portable device such as a wing or peak flow meter. This type of device allows you to measure your airflow, and then to follow the asthma action plan which you and your allergists make.

There are several effective medicines for asthma treatment. In simple words, there are two types of: Quick Relief Medicines (Short-acting bronchodilators like Albueterol) and long-lasting medications (such as breathing corticosteroids, long-term bronchodilators, and other oral and oral medicines) which are used in the airways Regulates swelling. The right medicines depend on your trigger, the severity of asthma and your control. The goal is that you at least feel your best with medication.

There are health risk concerns with corticosteroids. They are powerful medicines which can be dangerous if taken in excessive amounts. The medical research of the last 30 years shows that when guided, the corticosteroids of breath are safe and well tolerated, and one of the most effective treatments for asthma.

In recent years new drugs of serious asthma have become available, which fall under the category of biological drugs. They usually block a specific antibody or other chemical which makes the body in excessive volume, which has made asthma worse. At present these biological drugs are given in the form of intravenous treatment in an injection or office for asthma. If you have serious asthma which is not controlled with other medicines, your allergy will discuss these medicines with you.

When allergy plays a role in asthma, you should consider allergy shots. They are very effective in relieving allergic symptoms and in some cases correct your allergies. Treatment usually occurs in many years, in which slowly increasing amount of time involves involving small amounts of allergens. Allergic shots are usually given for three to five years, and sometimes for longer periods of time.

Most of all, remember that your allergy is an asthma specialist. You can help to know more about your asthma and develop a treatment plan that works for you. You should see an allergist if:
• Symptoms of your asthma obstruct your daily activities or your sleep.
• You were at risk of asthma attack.
• Your doctor believes that you are not responding to your current treatment.
• Your symptoms are not normal.
• You have taken oral corticosteroid for more than two times a year for asthma.
• You are hospitalized for your asthma.
• You need help to identify your asthma triggers.

Although asthma can be cured and symptoms can be controlled, there is no cure for asthma yet. Preventive treatment should allow you to lead a normal, active lifestyle.

If you want to see if your asthma and allergies are not in control, then check the symptoms of asthma and allergies from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Dark Circles Under Your Eyes: Causes and Treatments

Dark Circles Under Your Eyes: Causes and Treatments


Some common causes include:


Falling asleep, extreme fatigue, or simply staying awake a few hours after your normal bedtime can cause dark circles to form under your eyes. Lack of sleep can cause your skin to become dull and pale, allowing dark tissues and blood vessels to be seen under the skin.

Lack of sleep can also cause fluid to accumulate under the eyes, making them swollen. As a result, the dark circles you see may be shadows projected by your swollen eyelids.

Natural aging is another common cause of those dark circles under the eyes. As you get older, your skin becomes thinner. It also loses the necessary fat and collagen to maintain the elasticity of the skin. As this happens, the dark blood vessels under the skin become more visible and the area under the eyes darkens.
Visual fatigue

Watching the television or computer screen can cause significant stress in the eyes. This strain can cause the blood vessels around the eyes to enlarge. As a result, the skin around the eyes may darken.

Allergic reactions and dry eyes can trigger dark circles. When you have an allergic reaction, your body releases histamines in response to harmful bacteria. In addition to causing uncomfortable symptoms, such as itching, redness and swollen eyes, histamines also cause blood vessels to dilate and become more visible under the skin.

Allergies can also increase the need to rub and scratch the itchy skin around the eyes. These actions can worsen your symptoms and cause inflammation, swelling and rupture of the blood vessels. This can result in dark shadows under your eyes.

Dehydration is a common cause of dark circles under your eyes. When your body does not receive the right amount of water, the skin under your eyes begins to look dull and your eyes are sunken. This is due to its proximity to the underlying bone.
Overexposure to the sun

Overexposure to the sun can cause your body to produce an excess of melanin, the pigment that gives your skin color. Too much sun, especially for the eyes, can darken the pigmentation of the surrounding skin.

Family history also plays a role in the development of dark circles under your eyes. It can be a hereditary trait that is observed in childhood and can get worse as it ages or slowly disappears. Predispositions to other medical conditions, such as thyroid disease, can also lead to dark circles under the eyes. 


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